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Finance Committee

The Finance Committee will audit and guide all Shul finances in support of the Treasurer. They will  develop recommendations for the greater stability of Shul finances and aid in collections.
- Annual Budget and Cash Flow Analysis
- Assistance with collections 
- Major financial decision guidance
- Review of event budgets/reconciliation
- Look for opportunities to minimize Shul expenses, and streamline high cost items
- Generate ideas for Shul revenue, exploring rentals, rate increases, potential tenants, etc.

Fundraising Committee

The Fundraising Committee plays a critical role in the sustainability and growth of the Shul and works to identify key fundraising opportunities guided by the fiscal budget.
- Help create a giving culture and build messaging in the Shul
- Enhance the sponsorship opportunities and pursue regular sponsors 
- Develop key giving initiatives that support the foundation of the Shul
- Partner with events committee on annual banquet event
- Generate revenue (look for new revenue streams: rentals, tenants, etc. working with finance team)
- Cultivate and recognize ambassador members who contribute significantly of their time and resources

Membership Committee

The Membership Committee will set membership goals and promote member engagement to create a culture of inclusion and cohesiveness in the Shul.
- Build social outreach culture - stronger member to member connections and care for Shul
- Serve as social ambassadors, reaching out to members on the periphery when attending on Shabbos, special meals/events
- Working with events committee to plan annual outreach event and monthly luncheons
- Serve as shul ambassadors for new members/new comers/visitors
- Personal outreach calls to new members
- Welcome basket for new members
- Assist in making matches for hospitality/meals
- Approach new comers to become members
                                                     - Provide input into membership dues/levels

Security Committee

The Security Committee will oversee the safety and security of the kehillah, insuring oversight of all training, security assessment and drafting of protocol:
- Work with Security Consultant to annually review vulnerability assessment
- Recruit and oversee training of committee volunteers as quick responders for high risk emergencies
- Oversee safety and security training of all staff and youth leaders
- Develop safety protocols and procedures for various safety risks ie. active shooter or natural disaster 
- Assist in drafting annual federal security grant application and pursuit of other grant monies
- Serve as liaison between the Shul and local law enforcement/security agents
- Consult in adjusting armed guard security coverage based on monthly events calendar

Sisterhood @ Suburban

The committee will re-imagine and re-brand the concept of a sisterhood to be inclusive of women of all ages and life stages. Focused on enhancing the women’s agenda and leadership in the Shul while providing learning and social outlets for women in the kehillah to connect, create tighter bonds and bring families together.
- Develop 2-3 annual social programs that engage women in creative activity, providing a natural environment for mixing and connecting
- Plan 1-2 female scholar-in-residence programs that engage women of the kehillah in thoughtful learning and topic exploration
- Enhance the women's learning agenda of the shul, insuring coverage of pertinent topics for women of all life stages
- Personally engage women in the Shul creating warmer connections and working against natural silohs 
- Work to actively engage a younger co-hort of women not traditionally involved with the Sisterhood; cultivate female leadership in committee and Board role

Youth Committee

The Youth Committee will ensure Suburban Orthodox offers compelling meaningful youth programs staffed by well-trained professional leaders: (2-5yo co-ed, 1st-3rd grade girls, 1st-3rd grade boys, 4th-6th grade girls, 4th-6th grade boys Junior Congregation, Bar Mitzvah boys Teen Minyan)
- Oversee and provide guidance to the Youth Director in their management of all Youth Leaders, programming and curriculum for Shabbos & Yom Tov groups
- Consult with and support Youth Director in planning and management of Yomim Noraim groups
- Provide general support and guidance to Youth Director when working with challenging situations
- Assist in drafting Youth Group policy and recommendations to be reviewed by Board
- Assist in planning and staffing youth involved events: Succos brachos party, Shavuos ice cream Party, Shavuos learning, Simchas Torah and Purim participation & pekelach preparation, Motzei Shabbos Learning program
                                                     - Recruit volunteers to assist in oversight and weekly check-ins of Junior Congregation and Teen Minyan

Fri, March 28 2025 28 Adar 5785