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Suburban on ABC Live

Weds 4/8 - ON ABC LIVE by Becky Perslow & Terry Moran
“This is an incredible moment of reinvention, a challenge like we have never seen and realities like we've never seen before. But our religion always teaches us that no matter what the circumstances: adapt, reinvent and then do something spectacular,” said Rabbi Shmuel Silber, leader of the Suburban Orthodox Congregation Toras Chaim in Pikesville, Maryland." Full Article & Video

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Suburban on Fox45 News

Thurs 4/2 - ON FOX45 NEWS by Shelley Orman
"Members of a northwest Baltimore synagogue, Suburban Orthodox, got an idea to do something for our medical workers, doctors and nurses who are showing up every day...Everyone who’s donated wants to support those on the front line and also help restaurants that are struggling right now....And they’ve also got a whole team of volunteers to pick up and drop off the food each day." Full Video & Article

62nd Anniversary Dinner Highlights

Sunday, Feb 9 - 500 guests gathered to celebrate the growth and impact of the Shul and Institute at Suburban at the annual banquet hosted at Double Tree Hilton in Pikesville. The crowd was wowed by unique dishes and siganture drinks from L'Moi Catering/Knish Shop, entertained by international comedy star Elon Gold and moved by the dedication and leadership of our Tzorchei Tzibbur Honorees: Leah Esther Sol (Legacy Award), Shimmy & Batsheva Messing (Service Award) and Josh & Jen Erez (Young Leadership Award).



General safety and awareness:
-Avoid distracting the guards.
- If you see something, say something:
    - anything out of the ordinary: dress, behavior, vehicles

    - notify armed guard, BK Blankchtein or security co-chair: Mike Diamond or 
    Simon Cornberg for further investigation. 
- Avoid creating mass panic and communicate through the chain of command noted above if you have a concern. 
- Familiarize yourself with the nearest exits to your Yomim Noraim seats.

In event of emergency:
- Younger members should assist elder members in case of evacuation.
- Youth will be escorted by Youth Leaders to the back lot dumpsters (reunification point).
- All congregants should exit the building as calmly and safely as possible through their nearest exit. Parents will reunite with children at the reunification point.
- Baltimore Hebrew Congregation welcomes our kehilla as a safe space in case of evacuation.
- Do not impede first responders ability to complete their mission. Assist as requested only.

In case of medical emergency:
An AED (automatic external defibrillator) and trauma kit can be found in the side lobby by the social hall doors. An additional trauma kit is located in the Rav’s office.

Please note:
- Suburban will have an armed guard on duty during all Yomim Tovim.
- A second guard will be staffing the youth wing on the Yomim Noraim.
- Guards will be completing internal facility sweeps prior to services.

Moving Yom HaZikaron Ceremony

"Last night we stood together, as a family, and mourned those who fell so that we could live free. As Doron Mizrachi, a bereaved father and brother says: 'This ceremony is different than all other ceremonies, here everyone knows bereavement intimately, experiences it every day, shares the pain and understands one another.'"

Every year OneFamily organizes a private Yom HaZikaron ceremony with bereaved families, young adults, and children who have lost parents or siblings. Over 300 people attend this ceremony. It is particularly moving because those who suffered are addressing others who have suffered in a similar way, those who understand, and are therefore more open about their experiences than they are in other contexts.

We share their stories with you here:

Amazing 60th Anniversary Celebration

February 11,2018, over 500 guests gathered to wine, dine, laugh and celebrate six decades of growth at Suburban Orthodox. Our selfless honorees, Mrs. Shirley Elbaum, Meir Raskas & Sarah Raskas, David Ziffer & Atara Zwany Ziffer were overwhelmed by the love, support and generosity shared Sunday night. 
See the memories created and captured! VIEW PHOTO ALBUM >>


Thanks to our incredible leadership for all of their tremendous efforts: Adam Ben-Zev, Aryeh Gross, Aviva Silber, Yanky Statman Event Committee: Eli & Judy Ben-Zev, Jacob & Julie Blumenfeld, Gavi & Rebecca Brown, Dovid & Blimie Ehrenfeld, Dovie & Nina Elman, Chana Friedman, Howie & Shevy Friedman, Doniel & Tzippi Goetz, Bennett Goldberg, Eric & Avital Schaffer, Matt & Susie Schoenfeld, Neil & Pam Weissman Journal Co-Chairs: Rachel Levitan, Judy Minkove, Shira Pepper

Uplifting Shabbos features Chazzan, Yehuda Green

August 25-26, 2017
We shared an incredible Shabbos artist, producer and Carlebach Shul Chazzan Yehuda Green last week!
Inspiring davening, uplifting shir, and an amazing Seuda with 200 of our closest friends.

Suburban Donates Golden Torah Lions to Jewish Museum

The Baltimore Jewish Times August 3
“Thank God we are privileged to be an almost 60-year-old organization and we’ve been blessed as a congregation with wonderful rabbinic leadership in Rabbi Gevantman and Rabbi Pries who shepherded the shul through a different period of history. When I say different period, [I also mean] different people, different times, different issues, different challenges facing the Jewish people. And each did so with incredible poise and incredible love and incredible warmth,” Rabbi Silber said.

Suburban Orthodox, with about 370 family and individual members, plans to break ground on its new complex this year, shortly after the High Holidays, according to Sheynman. She said they hope to have construction completed within a year and a half. Full story > 

Tisha B'Av Kinos and Post Tisha B'Av Reflections

Livestream explanatory kinos beginning August 1st at 9:45am
Join Rabbi Silber and the kehilla for a morning of kinos insights, reflection, inspiration and stirring shira.

Source Packet
Audio Only Link

Post Tisha B'Av Shiur - Seeing Through Our Tears

SOTC Preserves Historical Torah Lions

Thursday, July 27 - It was a special day for Suburban Orthodox as we passed on the historical Rabbi Gavantman "Torah Lions" to be preserved and exhibited by Jewish Museum of Maryland. The Torah Lions were installed during Rabbi Gavantman's z"l time during the original dedication of the SOTC building in 1962.

Rabbi Silber reflected on this momentous transmission of history and artifact, "Challenges of the times change, so decor does also. Our job is to always make sure the Shul reflects the spiritual vitality of the kehilla. And yet, everything part of this building is sacred because it was used to enhance the spiritual and religious lives of Jews for close to six decades. We're so happy that the lions, which occupied a very prominent place on top of the aaron, will be memorialized in a place that celebrates Jewish history in Baltimore."

Archivist Joanna Church raved about the unique opportunity to capture a piece of Baltimore's Synagogue tradition. Stay tuned for stories to be featured in Baltimore Jewish Times and Baltimore Jewish Home.


SOTC Daf Yomi in the News

Baltimore Jewish Life July 18, 2017
"Today the Daf HaYomi cycle began Masechta Sanhedrin which talks about the Bais Din HaGadol that had 71 Dayanim. Ironically, today’s attendance at the Daf given by Rabbi Shmuel Silber was... 71."

Rabbi Silber on the Daf Yomi and starting Maseches Sanhedrin, "We are a family forged over the pages of Gemara. Every Daf we learn, we grow together! Let's start it shtark. Let's be meoras hashachar - awaken the dawn. Let's not wait for the dawn to awaken us. Let's build our neshamos and our relationships."

SOTC Hosts Annual Ahavas Yisroel Charidy Campaign

Next week, (July 5-6) Ahavas Yisrael will be conducting its annual 24-hour donor matching campaign with the goal of raising $1 million to help our community's most needy families. During this time, every donation will be quadrupled. Please consider joining us at our call center to help spread the word on the day of the event. Delicious food throughout! To sign up, go to:
To donate, go to: Every person's help and every donation makes a difference! 

Yom HaZikaron & Yom HaAtzmaut

May 1, 2017 - Over 200 guests attended the Suburban Yom HaZikaron commemoration and Yom HaAtzmaut celebration lead by Rabbi Shmuel Silber. The special video presentation, shiurim and Israeli cuisine were sponsored by Justin and Rebecca Myrowitz, Todd and Ruth Heller and the Rabbi and Rebbetzin Silber.

Take a moment to watch the touching video shared last night highlighting the mesiras nefesh of our young soldiers and tune in for the special shiurim focused on the miracle of the Medinah



Yom HaShoah Special Video Message

March 23, 2017 - On this day of Yom HaShoah we remember the 6,000,000 precious neshamos who perished in the Holocaust.  It is our sacred duty to remember and rebuild.  May we find the courage and strength to fulfill our sacred duty.

59th Annual Banquet Highlights

Thank you to everyone who joined us for a
spectacular evening celebrating our Kehilla’s
9th year. It was an incredible celebration with over 350 guests showing their support for our Shul, our Institute for Jewish Continuity and our Tzorchei Tzibur honorees, Milton & Eleanor Marder and Doniel & Tzippi Goetz. We are incredibly fortunate to have a beautiful kehilla and look forward to building a greater מקדש מעט together.

Witness the deep impact of Suburban Orthodox and our Institute for Jewish Continuity:

Hear the stories of our deeply dedicated Tzorchei Tzibbur Honorees:

A League of Their Own 

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Suburban Orthodox’s newest initiative, the Baltimore Chesed League (BCL), kicked off this Sunday with 30 boys between 5th and 8th grade. Through team camaraderie and an exciting sports league format, the BCL aims to provide Jewish boys in our community with opportunities to engage in meaningful “chesed-focused” activities, encourage the development of positive middos, and ultimately, help build caring, empathic, and “mentchlich” individuals.
Participants had a chance to dive into diverse chesed opportunities including: visiting the residents of Weinberg Park, serving dinner at Sterling Hospitality, building a foosball table for the new Chai Lifeline recreation room, helping to clean and organize the Hatzalah garage, and singing and dancing at Tudor Heights. After the kickoff lunch and words of chizuk from Rabbi Silber, the six teams of boys went to their respective activities.
Each hosting organization shared how helpful, mature, and caring the boys were and how much a difference they were able to make in just one visit.
Team Team ARI Concrete coach, Moishe Abramson, shares his impressions,
“When we set out on our first Baltimore Chesed League assignment, there was a lot of excitement along with some ambivalence. The boys were enrolled in a league that set out to accomplish something so different than the typical Sunday organized sport. Our team assembled to visit Tudor Heights, a local Jewish convalescent home. With the help of their wonderful staff, the residents were gathered in the multipurpose room, awaiting visitors. Ours boys arrived in earnest and filed right in to the room, standing huddled together with the typical nervous tension of an adolescent.
A bit out of their comfort-zone, the boys introduced themselves one by one. Then, together with Yitzy Kaplowitz on guitar, we danced and sang together. It was incredibly meaningful when each boy took turns inquiring about the residents’ personal memories and stories.

What our boys did today was magnificent. If they possessed an insecurity of public speaking, or were uncomfortable dancing and singing, or if they were simply frozen at the prospect of approaching an 80-something year old and asking how they were doing or how their day was; it didn’t show. The boys approached the challenge with poise and conviction, setting aside their own person to help and bring joy to another. As with any sport, the struggle was there, but the victory was all the more sweet. Instead of their success resulting from besting another challenger, their achievement resulted in the bolstering, building up, and bring joy to complete strangers.”

Yom Ha'atzmaut at Suburban


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Fri, March 28 2025 28 Adar 5785