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Join our Kehillah

We thank you for your interest in becoming a member of Suburban Orthodox Congregation Toras Chaim. We strive to provide a meaningful membership experience with a Mikdash Mi'at where everyone can forge a special and unique bond with הקדוש ברוך הוא. Everyone is welcome to participate in Shul programs and events, attend shiurim and Shabbos services. Full members receive first access to Yomim Noraim seating, discounted registration for programs and rental fees for our social hall and simcha space, entry to special events and access to the Rabbi's call hours.

We understand that Shul membership often requires a serious financial commitment. We count on our members to maintain the holy space and meaningful learning, chessed and social programs we offer throughout the year. Cost of membership should never be a barrier to participation. Please contact the Shul office if you need to make special arrangements:

Sponsoring Members take the achrayus of fully supporting the operating costs of the Shul and ensuring every individual, regardless of their financial capacity, is able to feel welcome in our kehilla. The estimated cost of a member unit in our Shul is $1800 per year per family unit.

Due to heightened security concerns, all members will be asked to pay a security fee to cover expanded security at all our events. All members will be charged $75.

Suburban Orthodox fiscal year is July 1 through June 30. Rates for the FY23 fiscal year are:

  Sponsoring Family Membership Family (underwrites cost for another family in Shul) $1800
  Full - Family Membership   Family (parent(s)/children)  $900
  Full - Family Under 30 Family
(per youngest spouse)
  Full - Newlyweds

(new members)

First year free.
  Sponsoring Single Membership Individual (underwrites the cost for another   single) $1200
  Full - Single Membership Individual $600
  Associate Membership Ordinarily having Full Membership with another Shul $500

We ask that you please complete the electronic application below.

Please include a personal photo for single membership and a family photo for full membership. This helps us identify who you are and help make connections in the kehillah after Board approval.
This short bio enables our Board to process your application. Kindly share a little bit about your self/family. Are you new to Baltimore or did you grow up here? What brings you to Suburban Orthodox? What do you hope our Shul can offer you/your family? What do you do professionally and in your free time? 

Family Information

Please provide: English and Hebrew Name(s) and DOB

Yahrzeit Information
This information will be used to send reminders the month prior to the yahrzeit, along with meaningful sponsorship opportunities for the zechus of the neshama. Please include Hebrew name ben/bas Father's Hebrew name, date of passing and relationship to member/member spouse.


Fri, March 28 2025 28 Adar 5785