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Shiur Schedule

Rabbi Silber’s shiuirm combine Torah wisdom with contemporary meaning and Chassidic warmth. Through the Institute for Jewish Continuity, the learning arm of Suburban Orthodox Congregation Toras Chaim, learners from across the globe are able to join in the beautiful learning occurring within our Shul and greater community. All of Rabbi Silber's shiurim are recorded for and our Podcast. Many of the shiurim also include a live-stream on the site. 

Dedicate a shiur in the merit of a choleh/cholim, in honor of a loved one, in celebration of a simcha or other important zechus.  Harness the power of our global collective learning. Sponsorship opportunities start at $50. Please complete our sponsorship opportunities form or email

Check here for updated shiurim times and possible changes.

Tehillim & Torah

Shiur for Women on Tuesday evenings at 7:45pm at Suburban Orthodox.

Mishna Yomi


Daf Yomi

Hilchos Shabbos Chaburah

Fri, March 28 2025 28 Adar 5785